Moxi Roller Skate Camp at Woodward West
Mandy Mohler
You'd think I'd be a natural skater being that the sweet blue suede roller skates featured below belong to my dad. His disco groove and my skiing skills haven't yet translated to roller skating quite like I thought they would. Perhaps with time they will.
I roller skated briefly in my childhood and it was always a highlight. Unfortunately, the sport fell out of fashion and the rinks were no longer available. However, two years ago, I came across some turquoise suede Moxi roller skates. I HAD TO HAVE THEM. At that point, I started following the badass Moxi Team Skaters on Instagram.
Packing for Moxi Roller Skate Camp
This winter, when my sister came over to my house to show me her band's new song, I told her- "This would be perfect set to a roller skating video." To illustrate my point- I took her to the Moxi Roller Skates instagram account, and that is where I found MOXI ROLLER SKATE CAMP.
About a week later, the tickets were booked and I was one step closer to a badly bruised tailbone.
Prior to Roller Skate Camp I had logged maybe 20 hours on my skates. I took nearly that many hours of classes at camp in three days! So booking those tickets was a BOLD move, and far outside my comfort zone. Not surprisingly, you won't see much footage of me skating in the video above. But I stuck to my word, and here is the result of my adventure trip to California. The skaters in this video are true athletes and huge inspirations to me.
Despite the beating my body took, I'm so glad I went. I highly suggest you follow your impulses and try something new. Not only will it lead to awesome friendships, it's important to challenge yourself to learn new skills in unfamiliar territory. If you ever feel apprehensive to try something due to your lack of experience, book the tickets before you can change your mind.