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Meet Angela Joy, Whitefish and Kalispell healing arts specialist of Angela Joy Massage Therapy and Birth Services. She provides holistic care and bodywork. 

How long have you been in the healing arts?

I have been practicing massage therapy and bodywork since my graduation from New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics (NMSNT) in 2008. That same year, I completed a doula certification training through Doulas of North America (DONA) and have attended births in multiple capacities since then.

You've practiced several different forms of the healing arts - what did that entail, and what are you most known for now?

My foundational education groomed me with the skills and title of Natural Therapeutics Specialist, covering a range of holistic modalities including Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, and Polarity Therapy. Within that education, I also completed extensive training and certification as a Massage Therapist, which forms the bulk of my practice today. Additionally, my experiences as a Doula and Midwife’s Assistant lead to a path of specialization in providing bodywork to mothers and babies in the childbearing year.

Do you have any specialties?

I cannot overstate the impact and inspiration that motherhood and attending births for eight years has had on my professional path. These experiences, paired with continuing education, have pushed me to refine my skills to offer individualized holistic care in the childbearing year. My more specialized services include prenatal & postnatal birth doula care, prenatal & postnatal massage & bodywork and placenta encapsulation.

What's your favorite part about your craft:

Easily the most amazing part of my work is the ability to work with people at such a deep level. Whether it is on the massage table facilitating healing, or bearing witness to the formative experience of childbirth; I find working in those vulnerable spaces and supporting my clients to be the most rewarding.

What's been the biggest learning experience or takeaway for you:

The biggest learning experience has been cumulative; as a birth worker and bodyworker for eight years, and having attended over eighty births, I have seen the evidence to support the idea that the body is wise. To facilitate it’s own healing, a therapist must follow the guidance of the body’s expression and support as needed through holistic modalities. Currently, my practice has shifted to focus on specialized bodywork for the childbearing year, which supports the woman’s changing body and helps make space for babies in utero, encouraging optimal birth positioning and working to increase positive pregnancy and birth experiences.

You just recently moved to a new location - where can we find you?


New Kalispell location:

307 1st Ave East Suite 3, Kalispell, Mt

And still at in Whitefish at:

244 Spokane Ave Suite 7, Whitefish, MT

What's the best way to contact you about making an appointment?



Call, text or email

Gift Certificates for Massage Therapy & Bodywork can be purchased directly through me and can be picked up at either of my offices or sent in the mail.

Please contact me for a free doula consultation and to learn more about my services.

Thank you!

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